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Electric cars – here to stay?

Definitely the way to go – electric cars, or so everyone says. But several commentators are warning that there simply won’t be enough of the raw materials (particularly cobalt, lithium and nickel) which are needed to supply the predicted boom in electric car production. Some of these materials are only found in certain parts of the world and they are not easy – or cheap - to produce. With the forecast rise in production, producers simply won’t keep up with demand.

So maybe, hydrogen cars are where we are heading. Seems like a better route? Takes only a short time to refuel, and not harmful to the environment. Shell, Toyota, Hyundai and Honda are some of big names investing in this technology – and James May of Top Gear fame has owned one for some time.

And on another tack, others have warned that if every family in a typical suburban road has an electric car, the electricity network itself would struggle to keep up.


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